When God created mankind (man and woman) in his image, he purposed them to mirror Him in certain ways and share certain, divine privileges. Having the image or likeness of God means that we are to reflect Him. The image of God refers to the spiritual part of man. It sets him apart from the animal world. We are in his likeness mentally, morally socially and spiritually.
Social Likeness
- God, who is love, created mankind with a social nature and a need for love.
- Socially, mankind was created for fellowship. This reflects God’s triune nature and his love. Back in the Garden of Eden, mankind’s main relationship was with God. Whenever we marry, make a friend or attend church, we are demonstrating that we are created in the likeness of God.
“And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” (Genesis 2:18 KJV)
If God says it is not good to be alone, then that’s saying a lot!
Moral Likeness
- Out of all God’s creation, mankind has a God-consciousness; that is the ability to know God and have spiritual communion through prayer, praise and worship. Mankind was made not only without sin but positively holy; otherwise Adam could not have had communion with God.
- Morally, mankind was created in righteousness and perfect innocence, a reflection of God’s holiness.
- We are morally responsible because God is a moral being.
Mental Likeness
- God gave mankind intelligence which was far superior to any animal. Not only was mankind given intelligence but the ability to choose right or wrong.
- Mentally, mankind was created with the ability to think and make their own decisions (whether good or bad). Anytime we invent something, write a book, name a pet, come up with an idea, paint a landscape, we are announcing that we are made in God’s image. We are creative because God is creative.
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." (Genesis 1:1 KJV)
- God is a creative being. Every human makes things. Artists make art, poets write poetry, writers write stories, songs or plays. Philosophers and lawyers make things with ideas and the compelling use of words. Manufacturers make things with raw materials, and chefs make food from raw ingredients. Every human being has the capacity to make things because we are all made in the image of a creative God. Isn’t that beautiful?
Spiritual Likeness
- Even though God is spirit and has no body, he appeared to mankind in the form of a human body.
- We are spiritual because God is spirit. Every human being has spiritual abilities and capabilities. The spiritual nature is as real as the physical nature. Caring for the spirit is just as important as caring for the physical body.
When God makes up for our faults, he begins to restore us back to our original image of God creating a new self. Salvation is available only by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ.
Now even though all humans have these God-like abilities, everyone expresses them differently. God’s image has been marked on every individual uniquely. So we should not have to feel like we need to compete against anybody.
Lastly, we are able to communicate because God can. Given the fact that humans can speak and write sets them apart from animals. Humans have the ability to think and reason, use language, symbols and art. When we think about being a replica of something, that means that we are a close but not an exact copy of the original. We may not have all the capabilities of God, but we can certainly appreciate what he has given us.
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